I’ve been experimenting with different time management strategies lately,
especially with small but frequent tasks that are total time drains.
I’m still
planning my time around the workday, but reading emails and blog posts has been
killing my free time. While I use Google Gmail’s
Priority Inbox

(highly recommended) to try to streamline the process, I just can’t
seem to shake some of these emails. I’ll read half an email, “star” it,
then (hopefully) come back later to finish reading it. The problem
with this: when I come back, I have to start dealing with the email all
over again. I often run into the same issues I had dealing with the
email the first time around. It’s all a vicious cycle of email
This is where the “one-touch” time management strategy comes in and
saves the day. Instead of taking multiple stabs at dealing with an
email, I only get one chance. Once the email is open, I have to
completely deal with it right there; there’s no going back. It either
gets 1) a read and replied to, 2) just read, or 3) deleted/archived.
Then it’s gone and out of my life.
While I’ve perfected this strategy on email, it works on lots of other tasks, too.
How to Implement the One Touch Approach on Anything
Identify the problem. No need to spend much time
breaking the problem down. It’s simple in most cases. For example,
let’s say is “how should I deal with the email I just received asking
about plans for this weekend?”
Determine how long it will take to deal with this problem. My one-touch method incorporates David Allen’s Two Minute Rule in
Getting Things Done. The Two Minute Rule says that if it’s something you must do and it will take you less than two minutes, do it right away.
Once beginning to deal with the problem, follow through until the process is complete.
In this case, replying to the email takes less than two minutes, so I
would respond and send my message immediately. Once I do this: process
complete. One touch success.
If it takes longer than two minutes, I don’t have to deal with the problem right away. If the email I received involved paying a credit card bill instead, I would have the option to save it for later.
once I commit to solving the problem, I must complete the action 100%.
In the case of my bill, I would check to see what I owe, read over my
statement, log into my online billpay account, and pay the bill. A
fragmented approach, such as simply reading my statement but then not
paying the bill until later, would result in wasted time, a cluttered
email inbox, and possibly forgetting to pay. I don’t want any of these
things to happen nor do I want email or any other small tasks to pile
Where One Touch Works
Here are some examples of how I’ve implemented one-touch time management strategy.
1. Doing all of my dishes at once after eating dinner.
2. Hanging up clothes right after taking them off.
3. Click to unsubscribe email newsletters I don’t read.
4. Read a entire web page or blog post at once.
Overall, I find this strategy is best when a problem is realized and a
response of some kind is definitely necessary, as in my email example.
The targeted tasks are rather insignificant, but that’s the whole
idea. We encounter these little productivity roadblocks dozens of times
each day, so blasting through them quickly and efficiently keeps the
annoyances from piling up.
Have you tried similar time management strategies? Have you noticed a
difference in how you handle small tasks? Share your story below.
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